BOTOX®Cosmetic has transformed cosmetics and anti-aging medicine dramatically. This minimally invasive facial rejuvenation procedure reverses the signs of aging by temporarily improving the appearance of facial wrinkles.
BOTOX® Cosmetic is a great if you experience mild to moderate facial aging and would prefer to avoid the extensive plastic surgery associated with a facelift.


Your muscles contract whenever you smile, frown, or make any other facial expression. Through this constant muscle movement, the skin becomes less elastic and draws together, which results in the formation of wrinkles and frown lines.
When BOTOX® Cosmetic is injected into your facial region, it blocks your nerve impulses from activating the muscle contractions that cause wrinkles to develop. As a result, your skin will appear relaxed and smoother.
BOTOX® Cosmetic treatments are painless and fast. The whole procedure only takes about 15 minutes, and there is no recovery time at all, can anyone say lunch Botox party!?
Most patients usually see an improvement in the appearance of wrinkles within three to five days, although results will vary. The effects of your BOTOX® Cosmetic treatment last approximately 3 to 6 months. With repeated treatment, you can see longer-lasting effects.


Due to the versatility of BOTOX® Cosmetic, it is an effective procedure for just about anyone who would like to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. In addition, ideal candidates:
Prefer minimally invasive facial rejuvenation methods to extensive facial plastic surgery
Have realistic expectations for the outcome of their procedure
Don’t mind a facial rejuvenation solution that achieves temporary results
Complexions MD uses BOTOX® Cosmetic to treat:
Crow’s feet (lines in the corners of your eyes)
Frown lines between the eyebrows
Droopy brows
Forehead creases
Loose face and neck

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