What Is Scalp Micropigmentation?

Scalp micro pigmentation, sometimes referred to as “SMP,” is an advanced method of cosmetic pigmentation for the scalp.

This non-surgical procedure uses micro-needles and specialized equipment to inject pigment into the scalp. SMP creates the appearance of tiny hair follicles to create a look of thicker hair.

Who Is A Good Candidate For Scalp Micropigmentation?

This innovative treatment may be a good solution for men and women who want to achieve the look of a full head of natural hair without undergoing hair transplantation or other more invasive procedures. Scalp micropigmentation may be recommended for patients who have recently started thinning and for those who have already lost a significant quantity of hair.

This may include women and men who:

  • Suffer from hair loss
  • Have a receding hairline
  • Want to conceal scars on the scalp
  • Want to cover bald spots
  • Want a better-defined hairline
  • Have thinning hair

How Is Scalp Micropigmentation Performed?

The scalp micropigmentation process is typically performed in two to three treatment sessions. It begins with an in-depth consultation, after we will custom-tailor a treatment plan for you.

In the first treatment session, Wewill skillfully and conservatively implant ink into your scalp to lay the foundation for your new look, carefully matching your natural hair color. There may be some redness after the procedure, which should subside within a single day.

The second treatment session is when we fill in more detail, using a shade darker than your natural hair color, to bring your new look to life. This use of color variation creates an illusion of shadow and a natural, three-dimensional appearance. A third treatment session may be needed to achieve optimal results for some patients.

Why Get Scalp Micropigmentation Vs. Surgical Transplants?

State-of-the-art scalp micropigmentation may be the best treatment option for patients who are not a candidate or not ready to undergo more invasive procedures,

such as a hair transplants. This gentle, noninvasive treatment has several important cosmetic applications.

What Are The Benefits Of Scalp Micropigmentation?

IScalp micropigmentation may be an excellent alternative to more invasive surgical procedures for many men and women with hair loss or thinning hair. Unlike topical cosmetic products, this procedure deposits pigmentation deep into the scalp, so there is no worry about sweating or washing off the color.

The many benefits of this cutting-edge treatment include:

  • Non-surgical procedure
  • Less costly than hair transplantation
  • No medications involved
  • Little or no continued maintenance
  • Adds density to thinning areas
  • Highly customizable treatment
  • Camouflages linear scars on the scalp
  • Creates natural-looking illusion of thicker, fuller hair
  • Replicates the look of a barbershop buzz cut

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